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With revenue calculated per ton, the goal for SMT Shipping is clear. “We need to optimize the continuous cargo transfer process to maximize our profit.”

But they faced a challenge. SMT Shipping changed their cargo from bauxite to iron ore and they already had 3 grabs on their transshipment vessel.

Would it be wise to buy a new grab? Are they leaving money on the table?

They already experienced Nemag’s craftsmanship with their scissors grab purchase. But this grab type and size wasn’t optimal for handling the heavier iron ore.

Download this case study to learn from SMT’s journey and:

  • Discover how SMT increased their productivity with 25% and how this resulted in a return on investment period of only 70 days.
  • Learn how even shaving off a mere second during the transfer process could lead to big amounts in annual revenue gains.
  • Read how the partnership between SMT and Nemag strengthened while building the most optimal grab, adjusted to SMT’s custom improvements.

Making the right decision on the best grab combination helps to bring your operation to the next level.

Get your copy of this eight page case study and fill in the form.